March has been a month filled with excitement. For the first 3 weeks of the month, Uncle Kobus was here from South Africa for a visit, which made for lots of fun and new experiences.
Then came Tyran's 2nd birthday, along with Ouma's birthday and Grandma's birthday coming up tomorrow.
So many special things to celebrate!
First of all, though, here are a few daily moments:
Nahla eating her lunch
Playing with / attacking poor Lexy!
Riding on daddy's new motorbike!
Having quiet time!
Playing dress up...the kids' absolute favourite pass time.
And of course, what is life without a little bit of paint!
It has become a family tradition to take the kids swimming on their birthday, so on Ty's big day that is exactly what we did. He had a great time splashing, playing and jumping in the water!
And it was made even more special because Uncle Kobus was able to join us. The kids could not have been happier to spend time with him whenever they had the chance.
After swimming, the tired kids caught a ride on daddy and uncle.
To celebrate Ty's birthday, along with Ouma's and Grandma's, we had dinner at our place. Tyran opened up his new basketball net.
Nahla helped him put it together
Then Oupa took over and finished the job.
Now, there is one more week of spring break before it is back to work and daycare until summer time.
We have said a sad goodbye to Uncle Kobus, and are now enjoying some sunshine and lot of play time.