For the past couple of weeks, Nahla has been going to Play, Connect, Learn; a pre-kindergarten program at her school, in the kindergarten classrooms with two of her possible kindergarten teachers. The program runs for 2 1/2 hours a day, and the kids get a taste of what kindergarten will be like. Nahla has loved it!
Today, as the kids were leaving, each child was given a piece of bubblegum from their math guessing activity. Well, this mean mommy doesn't allow gum! In fact, we have a no gum until your 20 rule!! That goes right beside the no blowing bubbles in your milk until your 21 rule!
So, we had a bit of a conundrum...easily solved. We turned it in to a science experiment!
Nahla filled up a glass with water and dropped the gumball can read what happened from there in her lab write-up!
(Please note that #2 happened first, followed by #3 some minutes later...they were not simultaneous)
Crisis averted, science promoted, and no gumballs were hurt in undertaking!!