Tuesday, 9 September 2014

A Summer in Review

I truly thought that this summer would be filled with updates and pictures for all to see, but instead, I have not posted once! Do I have an excuse? Of course...I was too busy playing with my kids to share them with everyone! Sorry!

This summer has flown by without a doubt, but I cannot say that it was filled with adventures or spectacular events. Instead, we dedicated the summer to the little things: getting out in nature around our place, staying in our jammies and playing and a complete lack of planning events. I could not have asked for a better summer!

The summer started with a school carnival, where the kids were more than a little excited by the prospect of cotton candy.

And with the end of school came some picket line action! We won't dwell on this, but the kids did have to going me on a couple of days. They made themselves quite comfortable...

...and even joined the cause. A few of my colleagues wanted to add, "from my room" to the bottom of the sign.

Nahla took part in a week long musical theatre camp, where she was a part of a twenty minute production on the final day of class. Despite some initial cold feet, our little performer loved the stage and did a great job!

 Nahla pointing to her part in the set design for the show

I couldn't help adding this photo, simply because this is a typical pose for Tyran when talking to Grandma or Papa on the phone, and it makes me chuckle every time.
 There is something about summer vacation that brings siblings closer. The kids have shared a room for about a year now, but they have only recently tried sharing a bed sometimes too. While I don't encourage it because it typically results is no sleep and lots of fighting, when it works, look how cute they are!

While Nahla was at theatre camp, I met up with a colleague to choose new books for the coming school year. Tyran happily played with the Keva blocks while we talked. Apparently, however, I came over to  take a picture of his creation a little before he was ready!

We took one hot July day to go downtown to visit with Uncle Mike. We had breakfast, and went for a walk through town where Tyran demanded that Uncle Mike hold his hand nearly the entire time! 
One of the highlights of this day out, however, was getting to try on Uncle Mike's pilot hat.

We were fortunate to have my cousin(ish), Louise, and her friend Rachel visit us from England. While they were here, we took a trip to Victoria, which marked a great number of firsts for my kids, as well as some favourite activities. It was a joy to experience Victoria through their eyes.

Their first time on a ferry was a eye-opener for me, because I realized just how much I take for granted having been on a ferry numerous times as a kids. Nahla was baffled by the line-up of cars. She could not understand what they were all going to do, so when we drove onto the ferry her eyes were as wide as saucers! Her next shock was that we war all walking around and that there were hundreds of people. I guess that she had thought it would be us sitting on a little boat, traveling across the water!

At Beaconhill Park, both kids made friends with the goats.

And loved all of the flowers and ponds.

We could not have asked for better weather.

In order to show Nahla the difference between a ferry and a boat, as well as to experience more of Victoria, we took a short Harbour Tour. While to rocking of the boat made her a wee bit nervous, the kids both loved watching the float planes take off and land.

We spent one morning at Shawnigan lake basking in the sun and playing in the water.

Nahla was excited to finally get to spend some of her hard earned allowance money. She decided to buy a set of friendship necklaces, which she gave to Louise and Rachel as well as one to good friend Caira once we got home.

The true highlight of the summer was a surprise holiday, planned by Adam, to Whistler. We stayed in a condo in Blackcomb and went to all of the little lakes around town. The kids loved jumping into the water, swimming, splashing and playing.
The kids were very excited at the opportunity to jump on the bungee trampoline...

...running and playing hopscotch in the upper village...

...exploring the peak of Whistler...

and trying out a bobsled.

Nahla made herself at home one afternoon while she sat out on the patio and broke into song. I caught it on video without her knowing.

The end of summer also marked my brother's wedding. We have all been looking forward to this day for the past year and a half.
The kids both got a new hair cut before heading up to Summerland for the weekend.

Both kids could barely hold in their excitement to be a part of Uncle Brian's big day!  
I was a very proud mama of our little Ring Bearer and Flower Girl. Here are just a few shots from the wedding.

And that marks the true end of our summer. I could not have asked for a better summer and feel incredibly grateful for the time with my family.