Yesterday, I received quite the surprise when, as I was getting the kids ready for a sleepover at Ouma's house, Adam called to tell me that the kids needed to be at the wedding we were going to. Adam was a groomsman, and had been at the wedding site setting up, when he noticed the kids place settings. Apparently, the bride and groom assumed we would bring them, and we assumed we wouldn' at 10:45 I had exactly 5 hours to buy an outfit for Ty, prepare food for Ty to eat (because wedding food all has Gluten), get clothes together for Nahla and I, put together some quiet activities to entertain the kids during the ceremony and speeches, ensure that both kids had a nap so that they would make it through without a major meltdown., buy a wedding card and wrap the present, attempt to make myself look presentable, and get to Tsawwassen (an hour away).
With 10 minutes to spare, we made it! Here they are dressed in their outfits. Not the outfit I would have chosen for Nahla, but I hadn't built in an additional twenty minutes to convince her otherwise, so the purple flower dress with winter leggings and summer sandals it was!
Prior to the ceremony starting, Nahla had a quiet moment with her baby.
And the kids managed to catch a few minutes with Daddy before he was pulled off to do the lasts minute speaker set-up!
And, as the ceremony was about to begin, the kids were ready in their chairs to watch the beautiful ceremony!
And fortunately, the preparation of quiet activities paid off for our kids and a few others, as they sat and created sticker pictures for the bride and groom during the ceremony.
We could not have asked for better weather.The clouds covered the sky keeping it cool enough for the men, and warm enough for the women, and ideal for the photographer.
The location was beautiful, and the details were perfect.
Congratulations Sarah and Garett Bailey!
Thanks for a wonderful day, and a memorable experience for our little munchkins.
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